Modi inaugurates Garba festival in Gujarat

Gujarat Chief Minister And BJP's Prime Ministerial Candidate Narendra Modi On Saturday Said That Festivals In The Country Should Be Encouraged Because They Showcase Indian's Culture To The World.

PTI Ahmedabad Updated on: 06 Oct 2013, 08:01 AM

Gujarat Chief Minister and BJP's prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi on Saturday said that festivals in the country should be encouraged because they showcase Indian's culture to the world. The BJP leader, who inaugurated the longest dance festival Garba today at the GMDC ground here, stressed on the importance of having such cultural festivals in the country. "Garba is a dance form where Goddess Shakti is worshipped. It's an age old tradition in our country. This festival not only brings spirituality to a person's life but also disciplines him in many ways," Modi said. "I feel such festivals in India should be encouraged because they showcase our culture to the world," he added. Dressed in his traditional white kurta, the 63-year-old politician also said festivals like Navratra and Kumbh Mela have helped to boost tourism in the country. "From the past few years, we have witnessed that Kumbh and Navratra have increased tourist footfall in the country. European countries are also taking interest to know more about these festivals," he said. His speech, delivered in Hindi to spread the message of Garba across the nation, was followed by a cultural performance. Crowd, mostly comprised of youths dressed in traditional attire, gathered in large numbers to be the part of the nine-day dance festival.

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First Published : 06 Oct 2013, 08:00 AM

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