Common weight loss mistakes you might be making

News Nation Bureau New Delhi Updated on: 16 Oct 2018, 16:05 PM

Your weight loss regime started weeks ago but the weighing scale does not seem to budge, why? Unlike the accepted notion, working out doesn’t always equate weight loss. And physical experts will approve of this. They say that the workouts for effective weight loss are often the hardest ones. So, what weight loss mistakes are you making despite the sweaty exercise?

 Also Read | These super-foods can help prevent chronic migraineThese are some of the common weight loss mistakes we all are guilty of: 

You are not getting enough sleep: There are several reasons why the lack of sleep is the culprit to your stubborn weight loss. Sleep deprivation affects the secretion of cortisol, a stress hormone that plays a vital role in regulating appetite. You, hence, feel hungry a lot more than required. In addition, lack of sleep deprivation will have you feeling cranky, confused, even depressed or angry. You are probably emotionally-stressed: Stress and weight gain go hand in hand. Being stressed-out can cause your body to feel extremely tired for working out. In turn, you start craving for comfort foods that are high in sugar and fat causing an increase in extra fat storage.  There is no consistency with your exercise routine: Exercise is another crucial element to weight loss, but the greater question is, if those workouts are burning enough calories. Remember, working out for an hour doesn't cancel out the long hours of your everyday-sitting at work. Start by looking at your overall program altogether. You can choose to increase your workout time and intensity to match your weight loss goals, or your weight loss goals has to match with what you do every day. Your weekends are a weight-loss wreck: Another common weight loss mistake is the habit of maintaining a strict diet during the week only to blow it all off during the weekends. Plan your indulgences not just for the week but weekends included. This will help you stay on the weight loss track while not restricting yourself. You might be having a medical condition: Losing weight involves a complex process involving a variety of factors such as diet, exercise, activity levels, stress and sleeping habits. But, despite maintaining this strict regime, you still don’t lose weight, then there is every probable reason you might be having a medical condition. Health issues such as thyroid conditions, diabetes medications, antidepressants, antipsychotics are some of the medical reasons your weight loss goal is on a slower track. 

Also Read | Tulsi Plant: Five amazing benefits of this queen of herbsBefore you set out the tumultuous track of weight loss, know your body. Do not have unrealistic ideas of what an ideal weight and body shape should be, because every body is structured different. Your body can always undergo change but this change should not push you to extreme limits.

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First Published : 15 Sep 2018, 15:50 PM

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