Robots to assemble modular telescopes in space

Scientists Have Developed A Large Telescope That Can Be Assembled By A Robot In Space That Can Enhance The Ability Of Astronomers To Peer Deep Into The Cosmos. This New Concept In Space Telescope Makes Use Of A Modular Structure And An Assembly Robot To Build An Extremely Large Telescope In Space That Can Perform Tasks In Which Astronaut Fatigue Would Be A Problem.

News Nation Bureau New Delhi Updated on: 14 Jul 2016, 17:30 PM

Scientists have developed a large telescope that can be assembled by a robot in space that can enhance the ability of astronomers to peer deep into the cosmos. This new concept in space telescope makes use of a modular structure and an assembly robot to build an extremely large telescope in space that can perform tasks in which astronaut fatigue would be a problem.

Whats interesting is the fact that ground-based telescopes are limited by atmospheric effects and by their fixed location on the Earth. On the other hand, space-based telescopes do not have such limitations. However, overall launch vehicle volume and mass capacity are some of the considerations to be taken into account when it comes to space telescopes.

This robotically assembled modular space telescope (RAMST) primarily focuses on a robotic system. Proposed features of this architecture have mirror built with a modular structure, a robot to put the telescope together and provide ongoing servicing and so on. This study was published in the Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments and Systems (JATIS).

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First Published : 14 Jul 2016, 17:23 PM

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