How to Deal With Fever in Babies?

Managing a baby's fever involves ensuring hydration, comfortable clothing and rest. For medical intervention, P100 Drops and P100 Syrup offer effective fever relief, helping keep your little one comfortable and safe.

Anurag Tiwari
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How to Deal With Fever in Babies

How to Deal With Fever in Babies?

Fevers are a common occurrence in babies, often causing concern for parents. Fever is a natural response of the body to infection, but it is important to know how to control it for the comfort of your baby. This guide will help you know how to identify fever, know the causes of fever and how to treat it using P100 Drops and P100 Syrup

Fever in Babies: What Can Cause it? 

Fevers in babies can be caused by various factors, including:

Infections: Fever is a condition that results from viral and bacterial infections. These can include simple ailments, such as the flu to complicated ones such as pneumonia or urinary tract infections. 

Immunisations: It is common for babies to develop mild fevers after they have been vaccinated because the body is fighting the vaccine. 

Overdressing: If you dress your baby too warmly or put him or her in a hot room, then the baby’s body temperature will increase. 

When to Worry About Fever

While most fevers are harmless and resolve on their own, certain symptoms warrant immediate medical attention:

  • Newborns (under three months): Any temperature above 100 is considered a fever and is a sign of an infection in the body. 
  • High Fever: Fever in any age group, including a temperature of 104°F (40°C) or higher. 
  • Persistent Fever: Chronic fevers that are defined as fevers that last for more than three days.
  • Accompanying Symptoms: Breathing problems, constant crying, crankiness or sleepiness, hives or seizures. 

Managing Fever in Babies 

The management of fever in your baby entails the use of non-pharmacological and pharmacological measures. Here are some effective strategies:

Non-medical Approaches 

Hydration: Make sure your baby is taking enough water. Give breast milk, formula or water from time to time to avoid situations where the baby may be dehydrated. 

Comfortable Clothing: Make sure your baby is dressed lightly, and if the baby requires a blanket, then use a thin one. 

Room Temperature: Ensure the room temperature is moderate and do not over-dress your baby. 

Rest: Let your baby sleep and rest as much as possible to allow his/her body to build up the strength to fight the infection. 

Medical Approaches 

If non-pharmacological measures are inadequate, then there are P100 Drops and P100 Syrup that can be administered in case of fever. 

P100 Drops and P100 Syrup 

P100 Drops and P100 Syrup are two over-the-counter drugs that are given to children to help bring down fever and ease pain in babies. Here’s how to use them safely and effectively:

P100 Drops

Dosage and Administration: 

  • The use of P100 Drops depends on the weight and age of the baby. It is always recommended to adhere to the paediatrician’s advice or the dosage instructions mentioned on the product’s packaging. 
  • It is recommended to use the dropper that is included in the package of the medication to ensure the correct dosage. 
  • Place the drops directly into your baby’s mouth or put the drops into a small amount of breast milk or formula. 


  • P100 Drops are meant for younger infants and they come in a measured dropper which makes it easier to give the right amount. 
  • They act fast to lower the fever and relieve pain. 

P100 Syrup 

Dosage and Administration: 

  • P100 Syrup is normally prescribed for older infants and toddlers. The dosage is based on the child’s weight and age. 
  • To take the syrup, it is recommended that one uses the measuring cup or the syringe that is provided with the syrup.
  • It can be administered as a solid or dissolved in a small quantity of liquid if your child does not want to take it


  • P100 Syrup is usually sweetened to make it easier for the older babies to take. 
  • It is useful for fever and can be used to control pain that comes with teething, ear infections and other ailments.

Safety Precautions 

While P100 Drops and P100 Syrup are generally safe, it's important to take some precautions:

  •  Consult Your Paediatrician: It is always advisable to seek the advice of your baby’s paediatrician before giving him/her any medication, especially if the baby is below three months of age. 
  • Follow Dosage Instructions: Do not take more than the prescribed amount or more often than the doctor has advised. The side effects of overdosing are very severe. 
  • Watch for Allergic Reactions: It is a very uncommon occurrence, but some babies may experience an allergic reaction to the medications. If you experience any of the symptoms of an allergic reaction, including rash, swelling or difficulty in breathing, then consult a doctor. 


It is not easy to handle a fever in babies, but with the right strategies, you will be in a position to manage it and make your baby comfortable. Learn the symptoms of fever, know the reasons and apply non-pharmacological and pharmacological interventions if necessary. Products, such as P100 Drops and P100 Syrup, can be effective, but they should be taken only with the advice of a doctor. If you remain knowledgeable and alert, then you can ensure that your baby gets well soon from fever.

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