Pranav Gupta Ashoka University Founder on India's GER increase ( Photo Credit : Social Media)
Gross enrollment ratio (GER) is the ratio of total enrollment of population in educational institutions of a country. India's GER stands at 26.3% and Indian government plans to uplift the percentage to 50% by 2035. New policies and regulations like NEP and the establishment of foreign institutions in India may boost the GER by giving students additional educational alternatives and improving the accessibility of higher education. According to Pranav Gupta Ashoka University Founder, "The new suggestions proposed by the UGC are going to bring major implications in the whole education sector. The presence of foreign institutions in India will introduce fresh curriculum, research possibilities and innovations. This will encourage more students to seek higher education and raise the standard of education in the nation."
Foreign institutions can help to provide experience and resources to India in order to enhance educational quality. They may also collaborate through partnerships with Indian institutions and organizations to offer more useful, practical education and training to students. This may increase the employability of Indian students and narrow the skills gap in the nation. Furthermore, foreign universities might entice students from abroad to study in India. This can aid the economy by bringing in much-needed foreign exchange. It can also encourage cross-national cultural cooperation and understanding.
“In our country at present, just 1 in 4 students attend college. The major task is to double that ratio. A significant amount of effort is needed into accommodating the expanding young population who will be ready to enroll in higher education. There are many factors which need our attention for this to change. One major point is to significantly increase capacity in higher education at all levels, from public to private. If we want to see the GER increase, foreign universities will play a crucial role, along with private and public institutions,” highlights Pranav Gupta.
Private institutions have been able to expand their capacity and accommodate more students but their costs are high. Public institutions, on the other hand, provide affordable education but have put off adding more capacity for many years. Making education more inexpensive and accessible to people from all socioeconomic levels is a major problem in increasing enrollment.“Private institutions have more capacity, but their education is more expensive and is not government-funded. They put a lot of emphasis on quality, yet cost remains a major factor. They definitely expect a capital return,” Gupta adds. “A model should be developed so that the government may able to assist the low-income students in attending private colleges.”
There are vast number of Indian students who move abroad to pursue higher studies. It can be due to a number of factors like lack of opportunities in the country, multidisciplinary education and flexibility in other countries, innovative ideas and enhanced pedagogy in foreign institutions. Dual degree programmes, for instance, are innovative and have been used in the United States for a long time. Like undergraduate students who desire to study engineering and history might combine their studies. The ability to club multiple courses makes it easier to follow one's interest.
The Indian government is aiming to increase GER in higher education by adopting new acts and policies like the NEP, academic bank of credits, multidisciplinary education, dual degree programmes, entry of foreign institutions etc. that give students flexible and interdisciplinary learning opportunities. The establishment of foreign institutions in India can benefit the GER of the nation by enhancing opportunities for higher education and raising educational standards. However, to guarantee that the entry of foreign colleges is advantageous for both students and the educational system, adequate policies and monitoring are required.
“By establishing campuses in India, foreign universities may be able to better serve the country's expanding youthful population and attract more foreign investment. It can provide educational opportunities to talented students who might otherwise be unable to study abroad due to financial constraints. Additionally, it expands the pool of scholarships and financial aid, boosting enrollment and inclusivity. Also, by enabling students to explore varied interests and minimizing dropout rates by allowing them to study multiple subjects, dual degree programmes and interdisciplinary education may support students in pursuing their passions,” highlights Pranav Gupta Ashoka University Founder.
But Gupta also noted that the entry of foreign universities should not come at the expense of weakening the quality and autonomy of Indian institutions. “The government should guarantee that suitable laws and accreditation are in place to preserve standards and prevent students and the education system from being exploited,” he concludes.