Gurugram To Implement Odd-Even Scheme Only On ‘Emergency’ Air Quality Days

Odd-even scheme in Gurugram could be implemented: “When the PM2.5 levels cross 300 ug/m3 or PM10 levels cross 500 ug/m3 (five times above the standard) and persist for 48 hours or more'.

fayiq wani
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Gurugram To Implement Odd-Even Scheme Only On ‘Emergency’ Air Quality Days

Authorities have confirmed that the rationing scheme could be implemented in Gurugram only when the air quality in the city deteriorates only to the ‘severe plus’.( Photo Credit : File Photo: PTI)

As Delhi braces for the third odd-even scheme, authorities have confirmed that the rationing scheme could be implemented in Gurugram only when the air quality in the city deteriorates only to the ‘severe plus’ or ‘emergency’ category. In a letter Deputy commissioner Amit Khatri directed officials to implement the odd-even scheme: “When the PM2.5 levels cross 300 ug/m3 or PM10 levels cross 500 ug/m3 (five times above the standard) and persist for 48 hours or more”.

“We are not ruling out the possibility of implementing the scheme in Gurugram on days with extreme pollution. Its implementation could likely be similar to the scheme in Delhi,” Hindustan Times quoted Khatri as saying.

On Saturday, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal announced that privately-owned CNG vehicles will not be exempted from odd-even scheme. However, women will continue to get an exemption from the odd-even road rationing scheme which is set to return in the national capital from November 4-15.       

The pollution was under control till now in Delhi. Also, there is no increase but 25 per cent decrease in pollution," Kejriwal said, adding air pollution is a very complex problem and to reduce it, "we need efforts from all".

The decision has been taken keeping in mind their safety, Kejriwal added. A decision on whether two-wheelers should be exempted from the scheme or not is yet to be taken and we are consulting experts, he said.

The Aam Aadmi Party supremo also encouraged people to opt for carpooling during the odd-even scheme and said even on the last two occasions, people had opted for it.

He said they are looking at what the quantum of fine shall be under the new Motor Vehicles Act.

“Our aim will not be to heavily fine violators, but to request them to follow the rule...But violators will be liable to pay fines as per the new Motor Vehicles Act. We are looking into what the quantum of the fine shall be,” the chief minister said.

“We have also met with Uber and are going to meet other cab operators and have strictly warned them from indulging in indiscriminate surge pricing. Uber has committed to us that they will not permit more than 1.5 times the regular fare during the odd-even period,” he said.

Delhi Pollution Gurugram Odd-Even Formula