RBSE Class 10 results likely to be declared today at rajresults.nic.in; Check details

Earlier there were speculations that RBSE will not release 10th results before June, but seems like the evaluation is complete the scores of the candidates will be out on the last day of May.

Shriparna Saha
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New Update
RBSE Class 10 results likely to be declared today at rajresults.nic.in; Check details

RBSE Class 10 results likely to be declared today at at rajresults.nic.in

The Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan (BSER or RBSE) is expected to announce the RBSE class 10 results at time today.  Earlier there were speculations that the board will not release 10th results before June, but seems like the evaluation is complete the scores of the candidates will be out on the last day of May. 

Soon after the formal declaration of the results, the scorecards will be available on the official website of the board i.e. rajeduboard.rajasthan.gov.in. Alternatively, the candidates can also check the results by clicking on the link given below.


As many as 11.2 lakh students appeared for the examination and are expected to receive their RBSE Class 10 Result 2019 today. Upon formal declaration of the BSER Result 2019 candidates can visit the official website and enter their roll number in order to download the Rajasthan Board 10th Result 2019.

The Rajasthan Board held the RBSE 10th examinations from March 14 to March 27, 2019. For the convenience of the students, we have mentioned the steps through which the candidates can check the results:

Step 1: Visit www.newsnation.in/board-results and click on the Rajasthan Board class 10 result article
Step 2: Click on the right link Rajasthan Board12th Arts Result 2019
Step 3: Enter your Roll Number and other details in the space provided
Step 4: Submit to View your result

In 2018, the board released class 10 result on June 11 in which 79.86 per cent students passed in class 10. The pass percentage among regular students was 80.13 per cent and among private students was 14.55 per cent. The Board has already released the result for class 12 board exams. Rajasthan board releases Science and Commerce results together and Arts result separately. This year Science and Commerce stream result was announced on May 15 and Arts stream result was May 22.

In Science stream, 92.88 per cent students passed. In Commerce stream, 91.46 per cent students passed and in Arts stream, 88 per cent students passed. In the Varistha Upadhyay exam, 82.67 per cent students passed.

The results released at the websites are provisional only. Students should consult their respective schools and examination centers to collect the original marksheets and passing certificates required for admission purposes at higher secoundary classes.

bser 10th results 2019 rbse RBSE 10th Result rbse 10th results 2019 rajresults.nic.in bser 10th result rajasthan board class 10 results BSER Rajasthan BOARD OF SECONDARY EDUCATION