NCERT Drops ‘Anti-Muslim’ from Chapter on Gujarat Riots in Class 12 political science textbook

NCERT officials said that in the approved syllabus, which is used for preparing the textbooks, the word anti-Muslim doesn’t exist. “The syllabus clearly uses the word Gujarat riots. However, the textbook had included the word “Anti-Muslim'.

Neha Singh
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NCERT Drops ‘Anti-Muslim’ from Chapter on Gujarat Riots in Class 12 political science textbook

The 2002 Gujarat riots which were called “anti-Muslim riots” in the NCERT political science textbook for Class XII has dropped the word "anti-Muslim" from a passage on Saturday.

The NCERT has also dropped “against Muslims” from a sentence that describes the violence that broke out in the state. Meanwhile, in the same paragraph, the 1984 riots are described as ‘anti-Sikh’, media reports said.

The passage earlier read: “In February-March 2002, large-scale violence against Muslims took place in Gujarat”. In the updated books, it now reads: “In February-March 2002, large-scale violence took place in Gujarat”.

The change has been made in a Class 12 textbook published in 2007 when the Congress-led UPA was in power.

NCERT officials said that in the approved syllabus, which is used for preparing the textbooks, the word anti-Muslim doesn’t exist. “The syllabus clearly uses the word Gujarat riots. However, the textbook had included the word “Anti-Muslim”.

When we started the work on updating the books, we were informed about it and we have reverted to “Gujarat riots,” said a senior NCERT official on condition of anonymity.

This is the first time since 2007 that NCERT textbooks are being reviewed. Former CBSE Chairman RK Chaturvedi suggested the changes in June 2017, The Indian Express reported.

“This review is an ongoing process and before every reprint, we do incorporate new, acceptable feedback and also update the information with the latest developments,” another senior NCERT official told a leading English daily.

“We have made other changes, too, such as including information on demonetisation, digital literacy, the Goods and Services Tax, and updated figures, too.”

Gujarat riots NCERT anti-Muslim