Arrest warrant issued against Shiv Sena chief Uddhav Thackeray, Sanjay Raut

The cartoon was published in September 2016. Muk Morcha (silent protest) by Maratha agitators was mocked as Mooka Morcha (kiss protest) in the cartoon.

Raghwendra Shukla
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Arrest warrant issued against Shiv Sena chief Uddhav Thackeray, Sanjay Raut

Arrest warrant issued against Shiv Sena chief Uddhav Thackeray, Sanjay Raut (File Photo)

A court on Tuesday issued an arrest warrant against Shiv Sena chief Uddhav Thackeray in connection with a case filed by the Maratha community leaders against a cartoon published Saamana, party’s mouthpiece, in 2016. 

According to reports, the warrant has also been issued against party leader Sanjay Raut and cartoonist Shrinivas Prabhudesai. The warrant was issued by a court at Pusad in Maharashtra's Yavatmal district.

The cartoon, which showed a couple kissing amid the rally, was published in September 2016. Muk Morcha (silent protest) by Maratha agitators was mocked as Mooka Morcha (kiss protest) in the cartoon.  

The cartoon had miffed the Maratha community and triggered a sharp reaction from across the political spectrum.

Following that, Saamana’s office in Navi Mumbai was pelted with stones, reportedly by members of the Sambhaji Brigade, a Maratha organisation.

The Congress and NCP had even sought government action against the Sena mouthpiece for 'hurting sentiments' of the community.

Later, cartoonist Shrinivas Prabhudesa expressed regret over his work. 

“The sentiments of Maratha community were hurt by my cartoon. But, there was never an intention to hurt anybody. Yet, I express regret if sentiments were hurt unintentionally,” the cartoonist said in a statement carried on the front page of Saamana. 

uddhav thackeray Sanjay Raut Saamana Shiv Sena Arrest Warrant Against Shiv Sena