Harry Potter series trained Domhnall Gleeson for Star Wars films

chanshimla varah
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Harry Potter series trained Domhnall Gleeson for Star Wars films

Harry Potter series trained Domhnall Gleeson for Star Wars films (Photo:Twitter/@DomhnallBrasil)

Actor Domhnall Gleeson has said that his experience of the Harry Potter franchise helped him prepare for the Star Wars films.

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, the 35-year-old actor said his brief stint in the Harry Potter franchise was the "best possible training" for playing General Hux in Star Wars.

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"I felt a little worried about fan reaction, but you can't control that all you can do is your job," he said.

"General Hux is ridiculous in lots of ways, but not in a hilarious way. But just anything to do with that level of... what's the word? Pomp and all the rest of it, the higher reigns of military, all the badges and the medals," he added.

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The actor is set to return for the Episode IX of the franchise, alongside actors Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac and Adam Driver.  

Actor General Hux Harry Potter franchise entertainment news Hollywood Star War Domhnall Ghleeson hollywood news