Harvey Weinstein Found Guilty Of Sexual Assault, Rape, Cleared Of Top Charges

Six women testified at trial that he had sexually assaulted them, though Mr. Weinstein, 67, faces criminal charges in connection with only two of them.

Shriparna Saha
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Harvey Weinstein found guilty of sex assault, rape, cleared of top charges( Photo Credit : Twitter)

Disgraced Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein whose downfall started the global #MeToo movement, has been convicted of sexual assault and rape but cleared of the most serious predatory sexual assault charges. The jury of seven men and five women found the producer guilty of criminal sexual acts in the first degree and rape in the third degree, a partial victory for the #MeToo movement that considered the case a watershed moment. The first degree counts carry possible prison sentences of five to 25 years; the third degree count, up to four years.

The 67-year-old was found not guilty however of first-degree rape and predatory sexual assault charges that could have seen him jailed for life. 

Six women testified at trial that he had sexually assaulted them, though Mr. Weinstein, 67, faces criminal charges in connection with only two of them. The others were allowed to testify to establish a pattern of behavior.

More than 100 women, including prominent Hollywood celebrities such as Gywneth Paltrow, Angelina Jolie, Salma Hayek, Ashley Judd, Uma Thurman and Asia Argento, had publicly accused Weinstein of sexual misconduct and in some cases of rape with allegations dating back to decades.

The expose against Weinstein by the New York Times and then New Yorker in October 2017 brought the #MeToo and #Time'sUp movements, which ignited a global movement against sexual harassment of women in workplaces.

(With inputs from PTI)

Harvey Weinstein