Moviegoers Left Petrified After Man ‘Spit' And ‘Cheered' Loudly When Characters Died At Joker Screening

The grazed Joker movie-goer was however confronted by a hero dubbed 'V for Vegas' in the audience who calmly challenged him before security arrived to escort him out.

chanshimla varah
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Moviegoers Left Petrified After Man ‘Spit' And ‘Cheered' Loudly When Characters Died At Joker Screening

Man At Joker Screening ‘Spit' And ‘Cheered’ Loudly When Characters Died( Photo Credit : Twitter)

Moviegoers at AMC Empire 25 theater near New York's Times Square were left looking over their shoulders at Joker screening when a grazed men started to go ballistic cheering and spitting loudly everything characters were killed off in the Joaquin Phoenix movie. Tweeting a picture of the alleged villain, Nathanael Hood said: 'This is the guy who spent our entire screening of JOKER in NYC spitting at people and clapping whenever Joker killed somebody.

This is the guy who spent our entire screening of JOKER in NYC spitting at people and clapping whenever Joker killed somebody. Security escorted him out after a third of the audience fled the theater out of fear that he’d start hurting people.

— Nathanael Hood (@NateHood257) October 4, 2019

'Security escorted him out after a third of the audience fled the theater out of fear that he’d start hurting people.'

The grazed movie-goer was however confronted by a hero dubbed 'V for Vegas' in the audience who calmly challenged him before security arrived to escort him out.

'This is the guy who calmly confronted the guy and deescalated the situation until security came. 

'Coming out everybody was shaking his hand and calling him a hero. 

'I asked for his name and he said “V for Vegas.” Not all heroes wear capes, folks.'

'V for Vegas' seems to be a reference to the vengeful comic character V who tackles injustice in the film 'V for Vendetta'. 

One moviegoer said that the disruptive man had been drinking before the film started. 

'I saw him pour a full bottle of tequila into his slushee the movie started... S**t was scary', Etai Benson said on Twitter.

Some eyewitness adds that the man’s erratic behaviour may have been because of his alcohol consumption before the screening of Joker. “I was there. Dude sat next to me. I saw him pour a full bottle of tequila into his slushee b4 the movie started. When he stumbled away wasted, I thought he had left. But I guess he just sat somewhere else and started his clapping. Shit was scary - like a 4-D movie experience,” he wrote.

Security alert has been on the line ahead of the opening weekend of Joker as fears mount that the film's depiction of the Batman villain will inspire an incel mass shooter.

Joaquin Phoenix Joker