Russo brothers wanted different entry for Captain America in ‘Infinity War’

fayiq wani
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Russo brothers wanted different entry for Captain America in ‘Infinity War’

Russo brothers wanted different entry for Captain America in ‘Infinity War’ (File photo)

Director duo Anthony and Joe Russo have revealed that they had originally planned a different entry for the superhero character Captain America in the “Avengers: Infinity War”.

In an interview with Entertainment  Tonight, the Russo brothers said they had thought of introducing the character during the Battle of Wakanda but they changed their minds.

“Everybody at Marvel, I think other than Joe and I, they were mad at us because we were bringing him in the movie so late. We thought it was the right spot to do it, but after a while we kind of gave into everybody’s, ‘We need more Cap!’” Anthony said.

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Joe said they listened to the pleas of Marvel bosses and decided to introduce the character during the Scotland scene where Cap appears out of the shadow of a train in Edinburgh to save Vision and Wanda from the attack by Thanos children.

“He had Thor’s heroic entrance in the Wakanda battle. That was originally Cap. Our thinking was that he was on the run, nobody could find him, and so we thought that it would be this really compelling way to use the character, especially because we were trying to thin the ranks out so we could track everyone and then we realized we had a really good spot to bring him in earlier in Scotland, to save Vision and Wanda. And so we started moving around heroic moments for characters,” he said.

Anthony added that for them the film was about Tony Stark and Captain America and their falling out in “Captain America: Civil War”.

“That choice about bringing Cap in, that was sort of at the heart of what we ? the premise of the movie for us was always that because of what happened in ‘Captain America: Civil War’, because Cap and Tony had the falling out, because the Avengers are divided, this is why they lose to Thanos. Because they’re not together, they’re divided,” he said.

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“So we were playing with this idea that it’s hard for Tony and Cap to get back together on the same team and having Cap sort of be late to the party because (Cap, Black Widow, and Falcon) are forced to live underground, and then hiding from the government. That was always the basic premise of the movie for us,” he added.

Battle of Wakanda Anthony joe russo Captain America Avengers: Infinity War