X-Men Day: Fox celebrates 20 years of franchise in new Dark Phoenix video

X-Men, which was first introduced to comic readers in September 1963 made its way to the movies with the 2000 X-Men movie.

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X-Men Day: Fox celebrates 20 years of franchise in new Dark Phoenix video

X-Men Day turned 20 (Photo:Instagram)

X-Men, which was first introduced to comic readers in September 1963 then in the movies with the 2000 X-Men where Wolverine, Cyclops, Jean Grey, and Professor X first made their way to theaters turned 20. To celebrate the culmination of the X-Men saga, Fox released a pastiche of all the previous and now-mutants highlighting the X-Men's legacy enmeshed with the upcoming Sophie Turner's Dark Phoenix. In the video, we see our telepathic Professor Xavier in his good old wheelchair, Hugh Jackman, Michael Fassbender, Halle Berry, creator Stan lee talking about their X-Men experience.

"The history of the franchise, I hope will be a legacy," Patrick Stewart whose aka Professor X says to the franchise. While Hugh Jackman, who was last seen in the X-Men franchise as Logan can see seen telling, "When the very first 'X-Men' came out, nobody saw it coming."

Watch the video:

Halle Berry who played Storm put it beautifully for the saga, she says "What makes all the mutants and X-Men so beautiful is that we're all so different."

Fans, film buffs and actors associated with the franchise  such as Hugh Jackman, Ryan Reynolds, Will Yun Lee also shared their experiences, favourite characters, art and gratitude towards the X-Men and the unforgettable journey they undertaken on Twitter.



Hugh Jackman X-Men Ryan Reynolds Will Yun Lee New Dark Phoenix X-Men Day Dark Phoenix