Anurag Basu on Friday announced that his upcoming comedy anthology is titled "Ludo", and the film will hit the theatres on April 24 next year. The film described by the filmmaker as a as a dark comic anthology, revolevs around four love stories just like it was in Life In A Metro...
Anurag took to Instagram to share the title, release date and first poster of the movie.
"Let's play #Ludo! In cinemas, 24th April, 2020," he wrote alongside the poster of the film. The first look of the film has Amitabh Bachchan, Sanya Malhotra, Aditya roy Kapur, rohit Sharaf in it.
Produced by Bhushan Kumar of T-Series, the movie centres on unavoidable jeopardies of life and has four different stories set in a quintessential Indian metro.
The genre is different. 'Life...' had drama, love story and it revolved around multiple stories about relationships. This is not that. This film has bit of crime and black humour in it. "The only common thing is all four stories are intersecting and affecting each other. I don't want to confuse the audience and call it as a sequel to 'Life..'," Basu earlier told PTI.
Ludo features Abhishek Bachchan, Rajkummar Rao, Fatima Sana Shaikh, Aditya Roy Kapur, Sanya Malhotra, Rohit Saraf and Pankaj Tripathi. The movie will mark the reunion of the Dangal sisters.
Besides Kumar, Basu, Tani Somarita Basu and Krishan Kumar are also attached as co-producers.