10th anniversary of Crimea: A Photo Exhibition was organized at the Russian House in New Delhi

The exhibition was opened by Minister Counsellor, DCM of the Russian Embassy in India Roman Babushkin and Director of the Russian House in New Delhi Oleg Osipov.

Divya Juyal
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Crimea’s reunification with Russia

Crimea’s reunification with Russia( Photo Credit : Social Media)

On March 19, a photo exhibition was organized at the Russian House in New Delhi to mark the 10th anniversary of Crimea’s reunification with Russia, which was visited by representatives of the expert community, diplomatic corps, media and students.

The exhibition was opened by Minister Counsellor, DCM of the Russian Embassy in India Roman Babushkin and Director of the Russian House in New Delhi Oleg Osipov. The Guest of Honour was Member of the Supreme Advisory Council of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly Dalbir Singh, who was an observer from India at the referendum in Crimea in 2014.

In their addresses, the speakers talked about the reasons that prompted Crimeans to vote for joining Russia, as well as the main milestones in the development of Crimea over the last decade.

A separate part of the exhibition was dedicated to the tragic events of Euromaidan, sponsored by the West, which led to the coup in Ukraine in 2014 and the outbreak of war against the population of Donbass by the neo-Nazi Kiev regime.