As it happened: Kashmir debate in Rajya Sabha

The Rajya Sabha is discussing the issue of unrest in Jammu and Kashmir, a day after the Upper House witnessed noisy scenes during the Zero Hour with the Opposition demanding a discussion.

Ankit Pal
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New Update
As it happened: Kashmir debate in Rajya Sabha

The Rajya Sabha on Wednesday discussed the issue of unrest in Jammu and Kashmir, a day after the Upper House witnessed noisy scenes during the Zero Hour with the Opposition demanding a discussion.

Raising the issue on Wednesday in Rajya Sabha, the opposition parties expressed serious concern over situation in the Valley.

Kashmir debate in Rajya Sabha: As it happened on Wednesday

Highlights of Home Minister Rajnath Singh's speech-

# If there will be any talks with Pakistan, it will only be on PoK and not Kashmir.

# Some LeT militants are trying to threaten our security personnel and their families in J&K.

# All-party meeting to be held on Kashmir issue on August 12; the prime minister will also attend it.

# As many as 4,515 security personnel and 3,356 civilians injured in Kashmir.

# Discussion on Kashmir sign of healthy democracy; people should be proud.

# I am not trying to justify the use of non-lethal weapon but it has been used before.

# Security forces have been told to exercise as much restraint as they can.

# State government is trying its best to provide basic facilities amidst unrest situation created by some vested interest & misguided elements.

# I'm not saying that people living in Kashmir are leading a normal life, but state government is trying its best to provide basic facilities.

Have no hesitation in saying that whatever is happening in Kashmir is sponsored by Pakistan.

# When I visited Srinagar and Anantnag on July 23 and 24, I met various delegations and J&K CM there to discuss the Kashmir issue.

Highlights of MoS Jitendra Singh's speech-

# The youth of Kashmir wants to be the beneficiary of India's success story.

# Those who motivated these children to come forward in the name of Jihad have safely kept their own children in safe havens in India's metro cities  and abroad.


# We all are worried about Jammu and Kashmir. Time has arrived to rise above political lines.

# Most of these children who got killed, were the children of the poorest of the poor sections of the valley.

# J&K is unique in the sense that it has its own constitution. Constitution of J&K itself says 'I am an integral part of India'.

# The Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir says that it is an integral part of India. The House unanimously says so. Then why do we still have to debate on what model to follow? 

# It appears like there is a premimum on anti-India debate, an intellectual terrorism.

# There are statements being made that ever since BJP came into power, situation in Kashmir has deteriorated. But what about Amarnath Yatra tragedy that killed so many people? 

# Amarnath Yatra killing happened during the Congress rule. Let's not compare how many died in Kashmir under which government's rule. 

# The youth of today is an awakened youth and we have to facilitate that. The youth of Kashmir is our asset.

Highlights of Congress leader Karan Singh's speech-

# We say Jammu and Kashmir is an integral part of India. No doubt about it.   

# Kashmir issue is extremely complicated. There is no simple solution. There is no magic bullet. We need to put our heads together and see what consensus can be reached.

Highlights of J-K PDP MP Nazir Ahmad Laway's speech-

# Why do we remember Kashmir only when it is burning?

# Why wasn't there any problem in Kashmir until 1987?

#Why do we only remember Kashmir when it is burning? Guns will not solve any problem," he said. "The people of this country should understand what the problem in Jammu and Kashmir is.

# I wish people in this Parliament talked about sending a delegation to AIIMS, where a girl injured by pellet guns is admitted.

Highlights of nominated member Swapan Dasgupta's speech-

# The threat in #Kashmir is not just about autonomy but also about orchestrated terrorism.

# While we try to evolve a consensus on this issue, we should sometimes be brutally frank about what we are dealing with.

# The problem we face in Kashmir today is somewhat different from the problems we have faced earlier.

# Three months ago, Kashmir was peaceful. We had a unique political experiment. It was an alliance between the Valley and

Jammu, something which was unique and encouraging. And then something broke loose.

# That was the death of Burhan Wani. The death of any Indian should be a source of anguish. But Burhan Wani never considered himself an Indian. And what do you say about a person who glamourises terrorism?.

# A lot of the people who have taken to the streets may be spontaneous. But there is also a large degree of pre-meditation in the protests.

# We have been talking about development and healing hearts and unfortunately, we have come across a rather big emotional divide. At an earlier time, it was thought that Article 370 would facilitate the process of integration. But we may have actually hardened the emotional divide.

# While I agree with Sitaram Yechury that we need a form of political approach, the form and time of that approach should be different.

# Today, there is an attempt to create dual power in Kashmir.

Highlights of CPM leader Sitaram Yechury's speech-

# Why is there trust deficit in Kashmir?

# If there is a trust deficit, you have to create an atmosphere of trust.

# I urge government to discuss this issue (Kashmir unrest) with open mind, listen to all ideas, confidence building is required.

# Are you creating trust when you talk of Gau raksha, or when you say we will abrogate Article 370?

# Blood spilled in Kashmir drawing vultures from Pakistan.

# Pakistan may be taking advantage of situation but a vulture comes down only when there is a carcass to feed on.

# I suggested that pelleting should stop, that all shades of opinion should be soght.

# We have not come close to a solution even after 30 days of curfew.

Kashmir debate in Rajya Sabha: Who said what


Debate begins again in RS 

1 pm:

Rajya Sabha adjourned till 2 PM

Highlights of JD-U leader Sharad Yadav's speech-

# Kashmiri people are angry with us, but we need to talk to them with love and bring them back in the mainstream. Otherwise, the history will never fogive us.

# We've to strive hard to win hearts of Kashmiris, using force is not the way, use of pellet guns must be stopped immediately.

Highlights of Trinamool leader Derek O’Brien's speech-

It is very important at this stage not to make a distinction between Kashmir - the land and Kashmir - the people.

# Burhan Wani was more dangerous on internet than on streets. He's more dangerous dead than alive.

# Pakistan should not meddle in (India’s) matters.

Highlights of Samajwadi Party leader Ram Gopal Yadav's speech-

# Pakistan’s ISI and terrorist organisations are misleading Kashmiri youth to attack their own people. Until Pakistan is dealt with, the Kashmir issue will not be resolved.

Highlights of J-K BJP leader Shamsher Singh Manhas'speech-

# The high turnout during assembly polls in Kashmir reflected their trust in democracy. But he alleges that separatist leaders have put stones instead of books and laptops in the hands of children. This turn of events, he says, should be examined.

#Kashmir cannot be discussed without also talking about Jammu and Ladakh. 

# 55% of the state’s population resides in Jammu, and despite widespread unemployment, they have not picked up the gun. It is a matter of nationalism.

Highlights of Ghulam Nabi Azad's speech in Rajya Sabha-

# There should be an all party delegation and a meeting that needs to be sent to J&K, should be announced during the Parliament.

# J&K has a curfew, many people have been injured. Civilians have faced losses. And as Parliamwent is on, we all need to share their pain.

# There needs to be integration between Centre and state government. That is not seen, else what PM said wouldnt have come from MP but Parliament.

# You call J&K an integral part of India, but there needs to be integration of heart between people of India & J&K.

# Law & order is not sole responsibility of Kashmir police, paramilitary forces are also involved.

# There is a difference between communalism and separatism.

# Everyone in Kashmir is a victim of militancy. Many of us have lost their near and dear ones due to this militancy in Kashmir.

# Militant militant hota hai, chahey woh Kashmir ka ho ya Punjab ka.

# J&K is facing a sensitive situation today, there's a need for all of us to speak in one voice, Arun Jaitley said in a reply to Azad's speech.

# Don't just love Kashmir for its beauty, love Kashmir for its people, love the children and people who lost their eyes (in protests). 

# We have been repetitively demanding that PM should come &make statements on such issues (Kashmir & Dalit issues) in the Parliament.

# We did not hear PM's statement on Dalit issues here in the Parliament. We got to hear about his views from Telangana

# I want to thank HM on behalf of the opposition for allowing discussion on Kashmir issue, today in the Parliament.

Ghulam Nabi Azad rajya sabha Kasjmir unrest debate Parliament Kashmir Unrest