India Pakistan tensions overshadow BRICS summit as India seek to isolate Pakistan on terrorism

India will try to isolate Pakistan further by mounting a major diplomatic offensive against it on the issue of terrorism

rahul mishra
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India Pakistan tensions overshadow BRICS summit as India seek to isolate Pakistan on terrorism

Prime Minister Narendra Modi (Image Source Getty)

India will look to corner Pakistan at the BRICS summit while trying to diplomatically isolate it on the terror front. Further, India will also push for stepped up cooperation, including support for a comprehensive global convention to tackle the menace, when it hosts on Sunday the annual summit of BRICS, a 5-nation grouping representing nearly half of the world's population.

 The summit, being attended by Russian President VladimirPutin, his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping and leaders ofBrazil and South Africa, is likely to deliberate on a range ofkey issues including confronting threat of terror and boostingtrade and investment.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi said the leaders willdiscuss ways to address "pressing international and regionalchallenges that stand in the way of our goals".

"I am optimistic that the BRICS Summit will strengthen intra-BRICS cooperation and advance our common agenda fordevelopment, peace, stability and reform," the Prime Minister said in a Facebook post.

The five BRICS countries represent over 3.6 billion people, or half of the world population and they have a combined GDP of USD 16.6 trillion. India is likely to push for unity among the BRICS(Brazil-Russia-India-China-South Africa) members to remove the logjam at the UN on the Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism (CCIT) for effectively dealing with terror.

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Initiated by India, the CCIT is stuck at the UN due tolack of agreement among its members about the definition ofterrorism. India is also expected to push for enhanced cooperationamong BRICS nations in the area of counter-terrorism. Preceding the BRICS summit, Modi is likely to raise theissue of terrorism with Putin and other leaders tomorrowwhen a series of bilateral meetings are slated at the sea side venue.

Addressing a press conference today, India's envoy to Russia Pankaj Saran, replying to a question on Russia's recentmilitary exercise with Pakistan, said India expected Moscow to reflect on its concerns.

As the top leaders of the grouping meet within weeks ofUri attack by Pakistan-based terrorists, India will beforceful in its demand at BRICS Summit as also the BIMSTEC outreach meet being held the same day, for intensified efforts to tackle terrorism, including action against countries providing safe havens to terrorists and arming them.

"Representing nearly two thirds of humanity together, wehope to tap the potential for cooperation and the dividendsthis will bring," Modi said on the first-ever BRICS-BIMSTEC Outreach Summit. India has made strong references both at UNGA as well asG-20 regarding Pakistan's continued support to cross-border terrorism. 

Also read: BRICS Summit: India embraces a stronger emphasis on enhancing economic ties, says PM Modi

pakistan Terrorism BRICS india