Maharashtra Navnirman Sena’s 48hour deadline for Pakistan actors to leave India will end at 12:30pm on Sunday. The party workers are planning to stage protests outside the office of Karan Johar and Farahan Akhtar, the producers of Pak actor starrer films ‘Ae Dil Ha Mushkil’ and ‘Raees’ respectively. The film workers’ association of MNS on Friday ‘ordered’ all Pakistani actors working in India to leave the country in 48 hours.
Our 48 hours ultimatum is over and there is no Pakistani artists in Mumbai right now: Amey Khopkar, MNS
— ANI (@ANI_news) September 25, 2016
Party spokesperson Shalini Thackeray said if the artists continued to work in the city, “the MNS will stop their shoots mid-way. Moreover, the party activists will see to it that films starring Pakistani artistes are not released in Mumbai and in the state as well.â€
“We gave a 48-hour deadline to Pakistani actors and artists to leave India or the MNS will push them out,†Amey Khopkar of the MNS Chitrapat Sena remarked.
However, Mumbai police on Saturday ensured that Pakistani actors with proper papers will be provided security against the threat if required.
“All foreign nationals, who are in Mumbai on valid documents provided by the government of India, need not worry. We will provide adequate protection as and when required,†Deven Bharti, joint commissioner of police, Mumbai said.
According to reports, none of the Pakistani actors are in India except one Pak comedian Shakeel.Â