Modi government should also take credit for bank security breach: Congress

Congress on Friday latched on to biggest debit card breach in India to take pot shot at the Narendra Modi government telling the Prime Minister that it should take credit for this first ever surgical strike from hackers in the US and China.

ashish ranjan
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Modi government should also take credit for bank security breach: Congress

Ajoy Kumar

Congress on Friday latched on to biggest debit card breach in India to take pot shot at the Narendra Modi government telling the Prime Minister that it should take credit for this first ever "surgical strike" from hackers in the US and China.

"In China, Russia, Indonesia, the US, there are hackers who have stolen lists of 65 lakh card holders. While these lists were being stolen, the nations 'Chowkidar', Narendra Modi was sleeping," party spokesman Ajoy Kumar told reporters.

Demanding that the government make a full disclosure on the extent of this "theft", he wanted it to inform all those affected by this leak and ensure that the banks compensate all card holders for their loss.

"There are very few occurrences of this magnitude in the world. And these lists were stolen on Modiji's watch. This government has a habit of saying that it is the first government to do anything. Well it is the first government to let lists of cardholders get stolen," he said suggesting that it should take credit for this 'surgical strike'.

He lamented that instead of the NDA government fulfilling its promise of depositing Rs 15 lakh in each citizen's account by bringing back black money stashed abroad, "money is being taken out of the people's account in Modi's India". 

Bank security breach Surgical Strike NDA government BJP Narendra Modi congress