North India reels under intense heatwave; IMD predicts no respite until May 29

shashikant sharma
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North India reels under intense heatwave; IMD predicts no respite until May 29

The residents of Rajasthan, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Delhi NCR may have to bear the brunt of the scorching heatwave till May 27, according to an India Meteorological Department (IMD) prediction. The Met Department, however, predicted some respite from the heatwave by month end, when easterly winds will reach Delhi.

“Heatwave to continue in Rajasthan, Haryana, UP and Delhi NCR, till May 27. People are advised to stay indoors. Easterly winds to reach Delhi around May 29, will bring some respite from the heatwave,” said Dr Kuldeep, an IMD Scientist.

Rajasthan temperature touches 45-degree mark

The temperature continued to soar above the 40-degree mark across the desert state of Rajasthan. For the last few days, the weather across the state remained dry and severe heatwave gripped most districts. On Friday, the temperature in the state capital Jaipur recorded at 42 degrees. On Wednesday it had touched 45 degrees.

Summer Tips: Ways to beat the ‘heat-wave’

Liquid Intake: In summers, when the sun crosses the all the limits of cruelty, it’s highly important to keep yourself hydrated throughout the day. And one of the best ways to avoid heat-related illness is to drink plenty of water. In summers, one should keep drinking water, juice, aam-panna and other non-alcoholic drinks at regular intervals.

Wear Cap/Headgear: Well, you can’t avoid your outdoor tasks, be it summer or winter. But when heatwave prevails, we should try to stay indoors as much as possible. When going out, one is advised to wear cap, hat, stall or headgear to avoid direct exposure to the sun. 

Diet: Avoid oily and spicy food and take a healthy nutritious diet in summers to maintain body temperature. Include watery fruits and vegetables like cucumber and watermelon in your daily diet. Fresh fruit or vegetable salad highly recommended. 

Dressing: Wear light colours as dark colours absorb more heat. Also, sport loose and comfortable clothes. Dresses made with cotton can absorb sweat easily, so prefer cotton over other types of clothes.

Weather heatwave