Pulwama Attack: US tells Pakistan to immediately end support to all terrorist groups

The White House asked Pakistan to immediately end support and safe haven to all terror groups as it strongly condemned the Pulwama terrorist attack

fayiq wani
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Pulwama Attack: US tells Pakistan to immediately end support to all terrorist groups

Sanders said the United States condemns in the strongest terms the heinous terrorist attack in Pulwama by a Pakistan-based terrorist group.

The White House asked Pakistan to immediately end "support" and "safe haven" to all terror groups as it strongly condemned the Pulwama terrorist attack. At least 42 CRPF personnel were killed on Thursday in one of the deadliest terror attacks in Jammu and Kashmir when a Jaish suicide bomber rammed a vehicle carrying over 350 kg of explosives into their bus in Pulwama district that also left many critically wounded. Pakistan-based Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) has claimed responsibility for the attack. "The United States calls on Pakistan to end immediately the support and safe haven provided to all terrorist groups operating on its soil, whose only goal is to sow chaos, violence, and terror in the region," White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said in a late night statement on Thursday.

"This attack only strengthens our resolve to bolster counterterrorism cooperation and coordination between the United States and India," she said in a strongly-worded statement issued by the White House.

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Sanders said the United States condemns in the strongest terms the heinous terrorist attack in Pulwama by a Pakistan-based terrorist group.

"We express our deep condolences to the victims' families, the Indian government, and the Indian people for the loss of life in this brutal attack," said the White House Press Secretary.

While condemning the attack US Ambassador to India Kenneth Juster tweeted, "The US Mission in India strongly condemns today's terrorist attack in Jammu & Kashmir. We send our heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims.”

India slammed Pakistan over the attack carried out by JeM and asked the neighbouring country to stop supporting terrorists and dismantle terror infrastructure operating from its soil.

Meanwhile, Pakistan said the terrorist attack in Pulwama district is "a matter of grave concern" even as it strongly rejected Indian media and government's allegations of the country's link to the strike "without" probe.

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Russia also stressed the need to combat such "inhuman acts" with collective response without any double standards. "We denounce terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and reiterate the need to combat these inhuman acts with decisive and collective response without any double standards," a Russian Embassy statement said.

Pulwama Pulwama terror attack Jammu and Kashmir US CRPF