Rohtak woman undergoes sex change surgery to marry school friend, now wife wants separation

While the police say that they can’t do anything, the husband and his parents say that they will seek legal advice.

Surabhi Pandey
Updated On
New Update
Rohtak woman undergoes sex change surgery to marry school friend, now wife wants separation

Photo for representational purpose only.

‘A’ was in love with ‘B’. Their love blossomed in school and they wanted to get marry just like other couples. Except, they couldn’t as they knew that their parents and the society will not accept same-sex marriage. ‘A’ came up with a plan of sex change surgery. After convincing ‘A’s parents, both got married at a temple in Delhi last year. But all is not well now. B or the wife now wants out and has gone to her parents’ house. According to a Hindustan Times report, the husband feels that his in-laws are stopping his wife to come home and has filed a police complaint.

The husband alleges that his wife had gone to her parents’ house to convince them. But when he went to meet her, his in-laws said that his wife doesn’t want to go back with him. “Both the girl and boy are major. The boy showed us the pictures of their wedding in Delhi, but the girl said she did not want to be with him and live with his family. Since she is a major, she has right to make the decision,” Charkhi Dadri superintendent of police Smiti Chaudhary was quoted as saying by the HT.

While the police say that they can’t do anything, the husband and his parents say that they will seek legal advice. The case comes after the Supreme Court, in its landmark judgment, decriminalised gay sex in India. On September 6, 2018, A five-judge Constitution bench of the Supreme Court unanimously decriminalised part of the 158-year-old colonial law under Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code, which criminalises consensual unnatural sex, prompting joyous tears, hugs and dancing across the country. 

Activists, members of the LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer) community, authors and politicians had welcomed the verdict -- which also said society cannot dictate a sexual relationship between consenting adults -- with many cutting cakes and unfurling the rainbow flag

same sex relationship Haryana Rohtak Sex Change Operation Sex Change Surgery Charkhi Dadri Supreme Court