Shashi Tharoor Trolled For Calling Indira 'India', Sharing Photo Of Nehru's USSR Tour As USA Visit

Shashi Tharoor's tweet trying to take a dig at 'Howdy, Modi' event backfired spectacularly.

Pawas Kumar
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Shashi Tharoor Trolled For Calling Indira 'India', Sharing Photo Of Nehru's USSR Tour As USA Visit

Shashi Tharoor had shared a picture of Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi on Twitter (Image: PTI/Twitter)

Shashi Tharoor is known for most follwed political figures incountry. His tweets are widely popular among his followeres. However, Tharoor committed a huge mistake on Twitter and got brutally trolled for his error. Tharoor had shared a picture of Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi's 'US visit' in 1954 to counter Narendra Modi's mega event in Houston with the US President Donald Trump.

In a dig at the 'Howdy, Modi' event, Tharoor wrote that the Americans had turned out in large numbers to see the then India prime minister and her daughter despite any special PR campaign or NRI crowd management.

"Nehru & India Gandhi in the US in 1954. Look at the hugely enthusiastic spontaneous turnout of the American public, without any special PR campaign, NRI crowd management or hyped-up media publicity," Tharoor wrote.

However, Tharoor made two huge errors in this tweet. He ended up calling Indira Gandhi 'India Gandhi'. Also the picture turned out to be from Moscow in 1955. A simple reverse google image search shows that it was taken during Nehru and Indira's visit to Russia.

The blunder was first pointed out by journalist R Jagannathan. Soon, after the mistakes were pointed out, netizens began trolling Tharoor on both counts.

Tharoor soon took to his Twitter to respond to his mistake. He admitted that he had made an error but said that that points he was trying to make still applied.

Twitter Reactions Howdy Modi Shashi Tharoor