Spooked by ghosts, Air India crew asks management to change accommodation

A bizarre incident of ghost sighting was reported on Sunday in Air India crew Hotel in Chicago. The crew who was staying in the hotel claimed to have felt paranormal activities in the hotel and their bed rooms.

shashikant sharma
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Spooked by ghosts, Air India crew asks management to change accommodation

Spooked by ghosts, Air India crew asks management to change accomodation (ANI Photo)

A bizarre incident of ghost sighting was reported on Sunday in Air India crew Hotel in Chicago. The crew who was staying in the hotel claimed to have felt paranormal activities in the hotel and their bed rooms.

The staffers of Air India claimed they are feeling negative energies in their hotel rooms which is disturbing their lives and they are not able to get proper rest. Deputy Chief Cabin Crew has also sought management’s intervention and written them to change their hotel.

News agency ANI claimed to have accessed the complaint letter written to Air India management by the scared crew.

The letter says, “Majority of the crew are facing negative energies through paranormal activities in the hotel, most of us share rooms and sleep as we feel scared sleeping alone which is very unpleasant, after operating a ULH we are not able to get proper rest as these things keep playing in our mind. Even online there is a complete description about incidents of paranormal activities about this hotel still the contract with this hotel was signed.

I have been coming to this hotel since November'16 and every time something unpleasant has been happening. I would request you to look into the matter and change this hotel on urgent basis as most of us don't feel comfortable staying here.

I would also request you to please 'Do Not' assign me any Chicago flights till the hotel is changed as it's very uncomfortable in the hotel.

Let's not wait for any miss happening to happen. Waiting for the necessary action," the letter said in a passionate appeal.”

Air India is also aware of the incident and investigating the unpleasant events.

"Matter is under investigation and we are in contact with our Chicago station," the agency quoted Air India spokesperson Dhananjay Kumar as saying.

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Chicago Haunted hotel Chicago hotel Ghost Stories Air India news nation Air India crew horror stories