Tread to a healthier path of living & boost your Gut Health with Nutritionist Apurva Agarwal

In today's era, we have seen a major change in the lifestyle and eating habits of the people. This has led to various health issues like bacterial food allergies, stomach infections, gut health issues and colic diseases. Feeling discomfort, bloating, constipation, nausea, mood and behavioural change

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Apurva Agarwal

Apurva Agarwal( Photo Credit : social media)

In today's era, we have seen a major change in the lifestyle and eating habits of the people. This has led to various health issues like bacterial food allergies, stomach infections, gut health issues and colic diseases. Feeling discomfort, bloating, constipation, nausea, mood and behavioural changes and acidity could be signs that your gut health is affected.

Apurva Agarwal, a Nagpur based clinical nutritionist provides customised diet plans for health issues like PCOD, weight loss, thyroid, skin, hair and gut health. She has earned her laurels from years of hard work and experience. Apurva firmly believes in the phrase, “you are what you eat.” By this she means if you eat good food you promote gut flora which directly affects the neurotransmitters hence results in changes in our mood and behaviour.

What is Gut Health?

Our gut consists of good bacteria and bad bacteria, when the bad bacteria increases it doesn’t let the good bacteria thrive. This leaves a huge impact on our physical and mental health. It leads to many diseases and health issues like heart diseases, IBS, anxiety, colic diseases etc. Eating fresh and a balanced diet promotes our gut health keeping many diseases at bay. Nutritionist Apurva Agarwal claims to help you lead a better life by promoting gut health in simple everyday lifestyle changes we can adopt. The different reasons you could be facing gut health issues have been listed by her.

1. Anxiety - it’s been found that anxiety, depression affect our gut health and are interconnected to each other.

2. Antibiotics - excessive use of antibiotics has adverse affects on our gut. It deteriorates the good bacteria we need for proper functioning of digestive system.

3. Food habits - Consumption of red meat, refined flour or oil, excessive sugar and processed or canned foods results in gut issues.

4. Lack of Fibre - not having enough fibre rich foods, like fruit or vegetable salads and legumes leads to poor gut health.

5. Water - we need plenty of water to have a healthy digestive system. Not having enough water in a day leads to dehydration giving bad bacteria a chance to cultivate.

Studies show that in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle we need to focus on eating good. By good food nutritionist Apurva Agarwal emphasises on fresh fruits and vegetables, beans and legumes, prebiotic and probiotic food items. A good gut health would save you from many diseases which become chronic with time.

Antibiotics Healthier Diet Journal Of Nutrition health nutritionist