What is NSG?

Recently, Pakistan has been opposed to India's entry in the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG). Though Pakistan has been opposed to India’s joing NSG on the grounds that this would give pace to nuclear arms race in the region.

Hina Khan
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What is NSG?

US snubs Pakistan on India’s NSG bid

In what can be termed as snub to Pakistan, US said that NSG is not about an arms race, but about peaceful use of nuclear energy. “This is not about an arms race and it's not about nuclear weapons. This is about the peaceful civil use of nuclear energy, and so we would certainly hope that Pakistan understands that,” State Department Deputy Spokesman Mark Toner told reporters yesterday.

Recently, Pakistan has been opposed to India's entry in the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG). Though Pakistan has been opposed to India’s joing NSG on the grounds that this would give pace to nuclear arms race in the region.

US has already made it clear that joining of the new members is an internal matter among the current members. The upcoming NSG meeting has not been set up for this purpose, however.

Here are some of the important things you need to know about NSG:

About NSG:

Nuclear Suppliers Group is a multinational body that aims to reduce nuclear proliferation by controlling the export and re-transfer of materials. It was formed by the signatories to the non-proliferation treaty (NPT).

Objectives of NSG:

NSG was formed in response to Indian nuclear test in May 1974. Its main objective has been to ensure that nuclear energy only be used for peaceful purposes and not for weapon-making.

India’s stand in NSG:

In November 2010, President Barack Obama announced US support to India's participation in NSG. Also during his India in January 2015 visit Obama said that India was ready for the NSG membership.

Pakistan applied for the NSG membership in May 2016, probably to block India's entry into the group. But China’s foreign ministry offered conditional support for Indian membership in the NSG. China is against India’s entry into NSG membership on the grounds that it is yet to sign the NPT.

Nuclear Suppliers Group