24-year-old RJ Shubham dies of heart-attack; doctor explains why youth are more susceptible to cardiovascular problems

The death of the RJ has raised concerns about the sedentary lifestyle that youth are living, that makes them more susceptible to heart attacks and other physical ailments

Apoorva Nawaz
Updated On
New Update
24-year-old RJ Shubham dies of heart-attack; doctor explains why youth are more susceptible to cardiovascular problems

Young RJ Shubham dies of heart attack (Image credits: RJ Shubham Facebook)

In a tragic incident, a 24-year-old Nagpur based radio jockey Shubham passed away after he suffered a heart attack during his live show. He was soon rushed to the hospital after a cardiac arrest. After which doctors declared him dead. The death of the RJ has raised concerns about the sedentary lifestyle that youth are living, that makes them more susceptible to heart attacks and other physical ailments. According to a study, about 17.5 million of people die each year of cardiovascular problems.   News Nation talked to Dr. Bipin Kumar Shami, MBBS on the issue.  

Excerpts from the interview.

Q: What exactly causes major cardiovascular diseases in teenage and youths?

A: Today youths and teenage live a sedentary lifestyle coupled with long working hours and high-stress jobs, it make them more susceptible to develop cardiovascular diseases.  While family history does play an important role in developing heart problems, it is stress that plays a pivoted role in predisposing the young to heart ailments. Obesity and diabetes cases have grown multi-folds in recent past, raising an alarm among medical practitioners.   

Q:  Do you think smoking can also lead to cause ailments related to heart?

A:  Yes, smoking also increases risk to cardiovascular diseases. People who smokes regularly are 10 times more prone to develop heart problems.

Q: Do you think that food habits are also an important aspect to curb heart problems?

A: Definitely, food plays a pertinent role in curbing heart diseases. Young and teenage people, especially those working on desk jobs, should incorporate more leafy vegetables and fruits in their diet. People should make sure to have at least a glass of water in every 45 minutes. Also, high fiber diet should be added in our daily platter. High calories and surgery diet should be limited.

Q: What all precautions should we take to avoid any major health problems?

A: People should go for a half-an-hour daily walk, use stairs in metro instead of elevators and stairs, include more fluids in diets, cut high-calorie diet.

Q: What are suggestions to those having long working hours?

A: When we sit for long hour, blood circulation and metabolism slows, therefore in every hour do take small breaks, gives mind and body a-minute break. Drink at least 2 cups of green tea daily as sitting for long can compel your body to release free-radicals, drink green tea, which is rich in anti-oxidants can help teenage to a great extent in curbing such cardiovascular problems.

 Also Read: Shocking: 24-year-old RJ Shubham suffers heart attack during morning live show in Nagpur

Heart Attack RJ Shubham