Honey is good for your skin and health. You heard it too many times, the health benefits of honey. But did you know how a hive of bees must travel over 55,000 miles and visit a million flowers to give you that much-needed honey. These eensy-weensy fellow's extraordinary abilities to produce honey extends beyond your breakfast options. In fact, bees pollinate 70 of the around 100 crop species that feed 90 per cent of the world. Honey bees are responsible for $30 billion a year in crops, according to several research. Taking a bow at these extraordinary creatures and the gift for us - honey - here are some of the impressive health benefits of honey as stated by experts:
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- Honey is good for controlling bad cholesterol: Many studies have proved that honey can help control high cholesterol levels. Other studies have also mentioned that those who consumed honey regularly saw a reduce cholesterol levels by three per cent.
- Honey for skin: Applying raw honey on the face can treat various skin problems such as acne because of its antibacterial and antiseptic properties. This sweet sticky substance not only removes acne scars, it also stops their recurrence as well. In addition, it nourishes your skin, leaving it radiant and clear.
- Honey for weight loss: Honey can help lose weight. According to wellness experts, consuming honey either with warm water or other food can reduce your sugar cravings that leads to weight gain. A new study also noted that the natural sugars found in honey acts differently than white sugar for your body.
- Honey for energy: Go honey for energy! Honey contains methylglyoxal compound which help boost energy while also strengthening your immune system. This compound found in honey is sure to keep your body active and super energised.
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The benefits of honey are limitless. You can rarely find any health problem that honey can’t treat, so protect the bees and preserve them. Like Albert Einstein said, “If the bee disappears from the surface of the earth, man would have no more than four years to live?"