Brain foods can enhance your child's memory power. A child’s brain is always growing, meaning it is a lot more flexible than that of an adult. And, certain food can help boost the health of the brain cell and shape the child's growth. Here are some brain foods you can add to your child’s food chart. Brain foods are easily available in the market. So the next time you go out food shopping, do not forget to include the following in your shopping list for brain foods.
Brain Food-1: Kale
Kale is a green blessing in disguise. It has been known to be even more superior to milk! Known as a super food, kale has just the right kind of fat such as that of Omega 3 fatty acids that are required for the health of the brain and vitamin k for their bone health. Also kale chips make an excellent snack!
Brain Food-: Eggs
A rich source of protein, eggs yolk contain choline which are important nutrient for memory development.
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Brain Food-3: Berries
Berries of all types are packed with vitamin c and other oxidants that can help improve memory. The more intense the colour of the berry, the more nutritious it is. Berries are attractive and a delight for children. So try to add them in your child's daily diet. They would relish it.
Brain Food-4: Dairy products
If a glass of milk or a bowl of cereal in milk is your child’s everyday breakfast routine then you are doing it all right. Dairy products such as milk or yogurt are packed with vitamin B and D which are good for the brain tissue such as that of neurotransmitters and enzymes.
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Brain Food-5: Salmon
One of the most important fatty acids your child’s brain need is that of Omega 3 fatty acids. They are found in fatty fish such as salmon, flaxseed and walnuts. The DHA or docosahexaenoic acid found in salmon is said to reduce oxidative stress, enhances learning and memory power. So feed your child Salmon regularly and watch your child improve his learning capability.
While one needs to provide your child these brain foods to improve his or her memory power and for helathy growth of the brain, one must keep in mind to ensure a balance diet for the child.