Drinking Water could be the reason behind your DEATH! Know why

Subhayan Chakraborty
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Drinking Water could be the reason behind your DEATH! Know why

Drinking Water could be the reason behind your death! Know Why (Photo: Twitter)

Drinking water during meals massively hampers your ability to digest food and cause insulin level to jump up and down significantly. So significantly that it can cause you some serious damage in future.

Well, every one of us know that human beings can’t survive without oxygen and water but if you are drinking enough water then just re-check whether you are thirsty or not before glugging water while eating your meal. But still, emptying glasses of water alongside your meals might not be the best time to satisfy your thirst.

The ultimate focus of the debate is whether to drink or not drink water in between a meal.

There is absolutely no shadow of doubt that drinking too much water during meals can interfere with the natural levels of stomach acid. It would slow down the digestion process and reduce the body’s ability to produce enzymes to digest food properly.

If one don’t digest the food properly, a chunk of toxic waste can occur no matter what you are eating.

The same principle can be applied when thinking about other beverages. In case of alcoholic drinks and acidic beverages like soda, the saliva which your glands have produces tend to dry up, making the digestion process an extremely difficult thing.

When you gulp down water during meals, the food gets thicker due to it getting mixed with water, producing less gastric juice to digest it. In result, the undigested food leaks into your system and gets absorbed by the stomach walls. In return, you might face acid reflux and heart burn and that is too harmful for a human.

Becoming more conscious about your body is a great step to move forward in life but sometimes going with what the body feels and needs is more important. Don’t be rigid, listen to your body and try to drink water before and after 30 minutes of a meal.

water drinking water Human Digestive System