You're Not Working All Your Ab Muscles If You Aren't Doing This Easy Bodyweight Exercises

Despite your frequent visit to the gym, the dream of having those loaf-of-bread like ab muscles still hiding behind those thick stomach skin? Let us discuss easy bodyweight exercises that will make it happen.

chanshimla varah
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Easy Bodyweight Exercises To Get Ab Muscles ( Photo Credit : Twitter)

Despite your frequent visit to the gym, the dream of having those loaf-of-bread like ab muscles still hiding behind the thick stomach skin? The reason could be simple, you might not be doing the right bodyweight exercises to attain those dreamy Henry Cavill or Halle Berry-like abs. Without wasting much time, let us look at bodyweight ab exercises that will give you the chiselled abs you’ve always wanted:

Planks: One of the most effective isometric abdominal exercise often ignored, planks are an effective calorie burning exercise that will help burn your fats around your abdomen area, hence, giving you an improved posture, flexibility as well as a tighter tummy.

Photo credit: Instagram/rachel.11

Side planks: Lie on your left side of your body resting your left forearm on the floor as you raise your hips up so your body forms a straight line. Then change the position to the right side and keep it repeating it for 8-9 reps.

Photo credit: Instagram/rosieheals

Six inches: For those who have no idea what six inches exercise you, it is that type of exercise when you basically turn your body into a bowl-like position meaning, you support the weight of your body with your torso, lifting up your below and upside of your body six-inches from the mat. This hence also help tighten the tummy as it burns the stomach fat.

The cobra exercise: As the name clearly suggest, the Cobra pose is a simple manoeuvre that can help to stretch your abdominal muscles and strengthen your lower back muscles. To do this exercise, lie facedown on the mat with your palms near your chest lifting your head, shoulders, and chest off the floor pulling your shoulder blades down and together.

Photo credit: Instagram/ozdemir_crossfight

Plank Reach: For this exercise, raise your hips so that they're off the ground and your body forms a straight line from your ankles to shoulders. Extend your top arm and leg perpendicular to the mat while keeping your torso stable. This exercise works wonders because you are working the entire abdominal wall giving you the tighter abs you’ve always wanted.

Photo credit: Instagram/

Arms-High Partial Situp: For this ab exercise, lie on your back with your knees bent, then raise your arms straight overhead, keeping them pointing up throughout as your body turns into a sit up halfway position. Repeat it for 8-9 reps until you see your tummy becoming tighter.

cobra exercise Plank ab muscles bodyweight exercise