You are one risk less at developing anxiety or stress if you love red wine. After last year study where experts in Brazil found resveratrol in red wine that could help fight cancer tumours, scientist now also add that chucking down a glass of red wine after a hard day’s work relieve stress and anxiety. This is because the chemical compound in the skin and seeds of grapes and berries used for red wine blocks an enzyme in the brain linked to stress, depression and anxiety. The study that was conducted on mice showed resveratrol – found in the skin of grapes – blocked an enzyme that causes depressive and anxious behaviour.
In addition, the experts also found that the chemical compound, resveratrol which has long been touted as an elixir capable of combating many diseases from cancer to arthritis and even dementia was also found to have impacts on our neurological processes.
The compound helps to regulate an enzyme called PDE4 (phosphodiesterase 4) which is released by the body’s stress hormone called corticosterone. Hnece when the stress hormone is reduced which can lead to depression or other mental disorders resveratrol inhibits PDE4 from doing this, suggesting it could work as a more effective ingredient in antidepressant drugs.
 “Resveratrol may be an effective alternative to drugs for treating patients suffering from depression and anxiety disorders’’ study author Ying Xu told the specialist journal Neuropharmacology.
Apart from wine, Resveratrol - an antioxidant also found in peanuts - has been proven to have anti-inflammatory properties in an array of studies even cutting harmful cholesterol, protect brain function and lower blood pressure.