High-fat diet during pregnancy may increase risk of mental health disorder in kids, says study

A study led by Elinor Sullivian, assistant professor at Oregon Health and Science University Of US, finds that high-fat diet during pregnancy can put babies at risk of developing mental health disorder such as anxiety and depression.

himani gwari
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 High-fat diet during pregnancy may increase risk of mental health disorder in kids, says study

High-fat diet during pregnancy can put babies at risk of developing mental health disorder such as anxiety and depression.

A study led by Elinor Sullivian, assistant professor at Oregon Health and Science University Of US, finds that high-fat diet during pregnancy can put babies at risk of developing mental health disorder such as anxiety and depression.

This study on animals finds that an unhealthy diet can affect the mental health of babies, and also alter their development of the brain.

"Given the high level of dietary fat consumption and maternal obesity in developed nations, these findings have important implications for the mental health for future genrations" said Sullivian. 

Study finds that high-fat diet during gestation can impair the development of neurons containing serotonin-a neuro transmitter that is critical in developing brains. This effect cannot be changed even after feeding child with good healthy diet.

Researchers measured and compared anxiety like behavior among 135 offsprings and found that whose mother intake more high-fat diet their childs shows anxiety behavior.

So this is a warning and an eye opening study for all expecting mothers that they should take healthy diet, and should avoid fat consumption in their diet for their childs better mental health. 

diet for pregnant women Mental Health health