Military Sexual Trauma may lead to drug abuse in Army personnel: Study

MST is defined as sexual harassment and/or sexual trauma faced during military service. It includes features of sexual harassment such as uninvited or unwanted verbal or physical sexual contact, such as attention, verbal remarks, touching, sexual coercion, sexual assault, and rape.

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Military Sexual Trauma may lead to drug abuse in Army personnel: Study

Military Sexual Trauma may lead to drug abuse in Army personnel: Study

The latest study has found that military sexual trauma (MST) could lead to substance abuse and alcoholism in Army personnel.

MST is defined as sexual harassment and/or sexual trauma faced during military service. It includes features of sexual harassment such as uninvited or unwanted verbal or physical sexual contact, such as attention, verbal remarks, touching, sexual coercion, sexual assault, and rape.

Both men and women are victims of sexual abuse, which can cause not only mental and physical but also developmental health issues such as substance use/abuse.

These recent findings were shared at the 40th annual scientific meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism (RSA) in Denver.

“A 2014 survey of more than half million service members estimated that more than 21,000 service members are sexually assaulted annually,” said researchers Jennifer Fillo from The State University of New York at Buffalo. “Research both within and outside of the military has predominantly focused on women. However, men are the victims of approximately 60 percent of annual sexual assaults in the military. Yet much less is understood about the nature and consequences of MST for men.”

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Furthermore, she added, while National Guard and Reserve units make up more than 38 percent of the U.S. Armed Forces, only a few studies have concentrated particularly on their experience of MST.

“We found that MST was highly prevalent - more than 16 percent of male Reserve and National Guard service members during the most recent deployment,” said Fillo. “MST is also associated with a more than three times greater odds of alcohol problems years after it occurs. There is considerable need for more systematic screening and intervention for MST and related problems for Reserve and National Guard service members.”

Fillo stressed that is imperative for the public to be aware that MST is a serious issue for both women and men, and has long-term mental, physical and behavioural health consequences “Increasing awareness of MST will hopefully decrease the stigma associated with it,” she said. “Sexual assault is the most underreported violent act in the US.

Currently, two-thirds of men do not complain about sexual assault faced during their military career. “Effective treatments exist, but people won’t get treatment if they are too afraid or ashamed to report the events to anyone.”

Lifestyle sexual assault Alcohol Abuse military sexual trauma Health and Wellbeing rape