Getting adequate amount of sleep is as necessary as treating your body to a hearty breakfast and a labourous workout. A good sleep can help you lose weight effectively and unlike other workout plans that gives unrealistic promises, sleep can indeed help you lose your belly fat without making much effort
In this article, we explain three main reasons why getting more sleep is the best and easiest method to lose weight
Lack of sleep increases your appetite
Poor quality sleep makes you more hunger. Sleeplesness induces the secretion of hunger hormones - ghrelin stimulates appetite and supresses the secreation of leptin that sends signal to the brain that you are full.
Poor sleep increases your calorie intake
Lack of sleep can also make you crave late-night snacking, which make you take unwanted calories and as you snooze of after satiating your appetite you gain weight. According to a study, participants who were allowed to sleep only four hours ate an average of 559 more calories the following day, compared to when they were allowed eight hours of sleep.
Good sleep boosts fat loss
A study done by the University of Chicago found that well-rested people (eight and a half hours per night) lost fat faster compared to tired participants (only five and a half hours)
However, if you eat too much before you go to sleep, your insulin levels peaks and your digestion slows down, and your body goes into fat-storage mode. In other words, you’re gaining weight while you sleep.
So hit the snooze button only after you have had a hour or more to yopurself after a scrumptious meal.