5 things your feet say about your personality

Through history, many researchers have been reading and studying the built, size, and shape of feet and their link with the personality of an individual.

Tahir Qureshi
New Update
5 things your feet say about your personality

If you can twist your tiny toe then it indicates that you are an adventurous soul (Agency image)

Your feet, like your palms and eyes, can say a lot about you. Foot reading has been an ancient practice in India and China for more than 5000 years. Through history, many researchers have been reading and studying the built, size, and shape of feet and their link with the personality of an individual. 

Here we share with you 5 basic personality traits according to your feet. 

1. If your second toe is longer than your other toes then it indicates that you possess leadership qualities and also that you value peace and harmony more than success and money.

2. If your big toe is longer than other toes it indicates that you are a creative person who comes up with most smart solutions to the most complicated problems. If your big toe is smaller than the other toes it means that you are good at multi-tasking and do your work with great responsibility. 

3. If your third toe is longer than your other toes it means you are a resourceful and meticulous person. You have great energy levels and love to actively participate in tasks assigned to you. If your third toe is shorter than your other toes then you know how to enjoy even the simple joys of life.

4. If your fourth toe is longer than your other toes then it indicates that you love your family more than anything else in the world and would do anything to keep them happy. If your toe is shorter, then family is less important to you and you keep away from all family matters.

5. If you can twist your tiny toe then it indicates that you are an adventurous soul and a charming flirt. If you can’t then it means you are very loyal and a predictable person.

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