Barack Obama Deems Women Not ‘Perfect’ But ‘Indisputably Better Than Men’

‘’Now women, I just want you to know; you are not perfect, but what I can say pretty indisputably is that you’re better than us [men], the two-term POTUS said at a private event in Singapore.

chanshimla varah
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Barack Obama Deems Women Not ‘Perfect’ But ‘Indisputably Better Than Men’

Barack Obama Says Women Are ‘Indisputably Better Than Men’( Photo Credit : Twitter)

Barack Obama has a very powerful message for women while the rest of the world embroils with yet another wave of #MeToo movement. Speaking at a private event on leadership in Singapore, the two-term POTUS spoke about how things would have been had women run the world while he was in office. Deeming them not ‘perfect’, but ‘indisputably better than men’, Obama as per BBC said,

‘’Now women, I just want you to know; you are not perfect, but what I can say pretty indisputably is that you’re better than us . I’m absolutely confident that for two years if every nation on earth was run by women, you would see a significant improvement across the board on just about everything… living standards and outcomes’’.

When asked if he’d ever re-enter the political gamut, Obama replied that it is time for the young generation to rise, a reference which we believe is a push to other countries with Sanna Marin becoming the world’s youngest sitting head of government at just 34,

‘’ If you look at the world and look at the problems it’s usually old people, usually old men, not getting out of the way. It is important for political leaders to try and remind themselves that you are there to do a job, but you are not there for life, you are not there in order to prop up your own sense of self importance or your own power’’ he replied.

Married to one of the world’s most influential women, Michelle Obama, this isn’t the first time the much-loved president has been vocal about the strength of women, he had previously also said,

‘’Women, in particular, by the way, I want you to get more involved. Because men have been getting on my nerves lately. I mean, every day, I read the newspaper and I just think like, brothers what’s wrong with you guys? What’s wrong with us?’’.

Barack Obama Sanna Marin