Finland To Introduce ‘4 Day Working Week’ And '6 Hour Days' Under PM Sanna Marin

The concept of a shorter work week travelled across the world when in November Microsoft Japan took a bold move in a bid to improve work-life balance by introducing a three-day weekend for their employees and showed a staggering 39.9 per cent in productivity.

chanshimla varah
New Update
Finland To Introduce ‘4 Day Working Week’ And '6 Hour Days' Under PM Sanna Marin

Finland To Introduce ‘4 Day Working Week’ ( Photo Credit : Instagram)

Time to jet off to Finland because the Nordic country is all set to introduce a new working sheet one can only dream of. Prime Minister, Sanna Marin has called for the introduction of a flexible working schedule in the country that would involve just four-day-week and six-hour working day. 

'I believe people deserve to spend more time with their families, loved ones, hobbies and other aspects of life, such as culture, This could be the next step for us in working life," ’’ the mother of one said.

“It is important to allow Finnish citizens to work less. It is not a question of governing with a feminine style but offering help and keeping promises to voters.”

In Finland, the current working sheet is normally eight hours per day, five days per week. 

Marin became the prime minister of Finland in December 2019 and leads a centre-left coalition with five other parties - all led by women. 

The concept of a shorter work week travelled across the world when in November Microsoft Japan took a bold move in a bid to improve work-life balance by introducing a three-day weekend for their employees and showed a staggering 39.9 per cent in productivity.

In 2018, New Zealand legal company Perpetual Guardian made headlines in 2018 for introducing a four-day work week. 

Founder Andrew Barnes said the results were remarkable.

"Our productivity has gone up, our profits have gone up, our staff retention has improved, our stress levels have dropped," he told The AM Show in 2019.

Finland PM finland Sanna Marin