Struggling at concerts because of height? Inventor creates 'periscope glasses' so you can see over tall people at gigs

The periscope glass which is a 'One Foot Taller' glasses allows you to see over the heads of people in front of you.

chanshimla varah
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Struggling at concerts because of height? Inventor creates 'periscope glasses' so you can see over tall people at gigs

Periscope glasses makes you one foot taller (Photo: Twitter\Dominic Wilcox)

Unless you are in the front row, events, shows, concerts can be quiet a struggle for short people. One moment you book a ticket to see Hugh Jackman perform his The Greatest Showman show, the other moment you see some 6-footer chap standing right in front of you. The problems to such a struggle may be all a thing of the past, because one inventor has created periscope glasses for you to see in clarity, everything ahead.

Call it creativity or some joke with of course, immense knowledge on ‘observation’, Dominic Wilcox has created the 'One Foot Taller' glasses, a pair of periscope glasses that allow you to see over the heads of people in front of you. The glasses, according to Wilcox add one foot (or 30.5cm) on to the wearer's normal eye-level.

Wilcox who certainly has gone through the struggle hence the invention said, “I was standing at a gig and turned to see a small woman dancing away but unable to see the band. This gave me the inspiration to design a way for people to see over obstacles such as tall people like me.

The glasses are created using a sheet of mirrored acrylic with a 45-degree bend, to ensure the smaller mirror can reflect the larger mirror, which faces outwards, giving whoever wears them a better view.

Interestingly, Wilcox’s invention surfaced just in time when after Microsoft Surface challenged inventors to come up with 'extraordinary solutions' for 'everyday problems' for an exhibition in London.

"Some people get their thrills from bungee jumping or scoring a winning goal at Wembley, but I get mine from coming up with creative ideas’’ Wilcox told the Mirror.

"Creativity is important because the world has many problems and challenges, and we need a lot more people with creative solutions to solve them.

"I think that everyone can become more creative and increase their ability to think up new ideas.

"Creativity is just a particular way of thinking that can be learned and practised like any other skill."

"Some of my ideas develop from observations on human behaviour and I express them through the objects I create’’

"I also experiment with materials to try to find surprises that can't be found simply by thinking with a pen or a computer’’ he added.

Hugh Jackman The Greatest Showman show One Foot Taller glasses periscope glass