Wear plastic shoes to fight ocean pollution

An organisation has taken the initiative to lend support to the environmental fight by using ocean trash to make shoes.

chanshimla varah
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Wear plastic shoes to fight ocean pollution

This footwear turns ocean trash into shoes (Photo: Twitter)

After making bracelets out of ocean trash to fight ocean pollution, it is now the turn for plastic shoes. An organisation has taken the initiative to lend support to the environmental fight. While shoe-making involves using plastic as their source, this company is making use of ocean trash as their source. 

As per Plastic Oceans report, over 8 million tons of plastic end up in the oceans every year. It is estimated that around 5 trillion pieces of plastic are currently floating in our oceans. And according to reports, a shoe-making company by the name of Vivobarefoot is making shoes out of recycled bottles. 

While most bottles are made from PET (polyethylene terephthalate), a highly recyclable material, fewer than half the bottles bought in 2016 were collected for recycling. Vivobarefoot is taking advantage of the enduring material to make footwear. The recycled plastic will be reworked into durable, high-performance shoes deployed to mimic and stabilise the anatomy of the human foot. 

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Each pair will use 17 disposable water bottles. According to the company, “The human foot is a bio-mechanical masterpiece that can cope with more than we ask it to nowadays. By cramming it into a modern shoe, you negate its natural function. Your feet have 200,000 nerves in them — the same as your hands. By loading up on padding, you muffle the sensory feedback your brain would otherwise receive, resulting in clumsier, less skillful movement. Our shoes, like most barefoot pairs, are based upon the idea that a wider, minimalist shoe will allow the foot to function as it was designed to function. Wearers will benefit from the sensory input of their feet as well as their hands for a potential increase in balance and accuracy, and the muscles in the leg may develop more naturally and cohesively.”

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Not only will these shoes reduce the number of plastic bottles in our oceans, it will also help spread awareness about how harmful plastic is for sea life. This sustainable footwear brand is on a mission to be the one scooping hand of trashes, the ocean body desperately needs.

Plastic Bottles ocean pollution bracelets ocean trash plastic shoes