World Water Day 2018: 10 interesting facts about water

‘Nature for Water’ as the theme of World Water Day 2018, we are exploring the natural solutions to the water challenges we face now.

Subhayan Chakraborty
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World Water Day 2018: 10 interesting facts about water

March 22 is celebrated as the World Water Day every year. (Image Source: PTI)

Water is as important as Oxygen for our survival on this planet. Early forms of life started in oceans and flourished there. Two thirds of earth’s surface is covered by water and its clear that water is one of the main elements of life on earth.

March 22 is celebrated as the World Water Day every year. It is celebrated to focus on the significance of water and why it is important for us to preserve it.

‘Nature for Water’ as the theme of World Water Day 2018, we are exploring the natural solutions to the water challenges we face now.

 Interesting facts about water:

  1. India’s current water requirement is estimated to be around 1,100 billion cubic metres per year, which is projected to touch 1,447 billion cubic metres by 2050.
  2. According to the U.N., 2.1 billion people don’t have safe drinking water at home.
  3. About 71% of the Earth's surface is water-covered, according to The United States Geological Survey Water Science School.
  4. And only 0.001% of all our water is in the atmosphere.
  5. As much as 71% of the world’s natural wetlands have been lost since 1900—and its humans’ fault.
  6. Over 80% of society’s dirty wastewater flows back into the environment without treatment or reuse.
  7. Of the world’s total freshwater, 69% is frozen in ice and glaciers and another 30% is in the ground.
  8. There are 663 million people who live without a safe water supply close to home
  9. The world’s total water supply equates to 332.5 million cubic miles.
  10. Oceans hold around 97% of all Earth's water, which means all but about 3% of our water is saline.

So while marking the World Water Day every year, we should recognise the role water has in our lives and should reflect on how important it is that we continue to work to make sure that someday everyone is able to take advantage of this essential resource in the same ways we enjoy today. 'Save Water Save Life'

World Water Day March 22 environment