6 things you'll definitely hear if 'Shaadi' isn't your cup of tea!

In India, marriage is considered as the ultimate goal every person, especially women, needs to achieve.

Pallavi Singh
Updated On
New Update
6 things you'll definitely hear if 'Shaadi' isn't your cup of tea!

6 things you'll definitely hear if 'Shaadi' isn't your cup of tea!

In India, marriage is considered as the ultimate goal every person, especially women, needs to achieve. After attaining a certain age, the family pressure and societal pressure force them to settle down, even if they don't want to go ahead with it. Whenever you attend a family function or any other event, your relatives or mom's friends have so much to say to you about marriage, none of it good, though. So here are 13 things you'll definitely hear if shaadi isn't your cup of tea. 

1. 'Shaadi nai karogi then how will you have kids?''

2. ''Who will look after you in your old age?''

3. ''If you don't have a husband, your father will have to look after your finances forever.''

4. ''Even I didn't want to get married but it has been the best decision I ever made."

5. "You can never understand what being a woman truly means without having babies."

6. ''Beta, at your age even I used to say this. When the time comes you'll also want to tie the knot."

lifestyle news kids pressure Kids societal pressure indian marriages cup of tea shaadi relationships forcing marriage aunty marriage