Do these 5 simple things today to win over your boss!

You may have only one job, but there are two important things that you need to do at your workplace

Pallavi Singh
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Do these 5 simple things today to win over your boss!

Things to do today to win over your boss.

You may have only one job, but there are two important things that you need to do at your workplace. First, do your work religiously and put all your efforts to be successful. Second key job is to have a good working relationship with your boss. Being seen by your manager in a positive way will not make things easier for you, it may also be a deciding factor when your executives are considering promotions or downsizing staff. Here are five simple tips that could help you impress your boss:

1. Show on time: Don't just be on time, but be early. Getting to work on time will help you earn brownie points. Being in office before your boss reinforces your dedication and work ethic and you may even get some alone time together for casual conversation. 

2. Make the first move: Just saying 'Hi' or 'How are you doing?' to your boss can help you improve your relationship with the boss. When chatting, be sure to ask questions and listen up patiently to all the anwers. In short, just converse, listen carefully and keep things positive. 

3. Speak up at team meetings: Employees who are silent in meetings are looked at asemployees who have little or nothing to contribute. Hence, it's important to provide inputs at the team meeting. Offer solutions to overcome problematic situations at your workplace. By speaking up at team meetings, you're sure to get in the good books of your boss. 

4. Tell your manager what you need: You need to be open about your needs rather than assuming your manager understands what's going on. You are not required to say yes to every request as it can cause trouble later. 

5. Be involved at work: Think about team building events or volunteer a new idea if you want to stand out and impress your boss. Too often companies will find themselves in a rut with these kinds of things because doing something new takes extra work. Be that person who’s not afraid to put in the effort to expand their horizons.

boss employees win boss work culture workplace impress boss