Mushrooms, porridge, eggs are libido boosters; avoid baked food, oysters, ice creams for low ardour

Now, there are both natural and medical ways to improve one's libido.

shambhudeep hore
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Mushrooms, porridge, eggs are libido boosters; avoid baked food, oysters, ice creams for low ardour

These food items enriched in Vitamin D will help get your libido back to the normal order. (Representative image)

All is well that ends well. The challenges of professional life brings along with it several by-products. Lower sex drives is one of them. Modern day marriages often end up in divorces because one couple cannot satisfy the other. 

Now, there are both natural and medical ways to improve one's libido. According to health experts libido can be increased by including the right kind of food in the diet. 

The must haves in a diet mushrooms, cereal- porridge, muesli, cornflakes, eggs and mackerel. These food items enriched in Vitamin D will help get your libido back to the normal order. 

One should consume these on a regular basis as a part of their breakfast menu. Other than just Vitamin D there are other factors that one should take care to keep a great libido. 

A happy mood will definitely impact one's sex drive and subsequently the libido. Dark chocolate increases the sorotonin and dopamine levels.  

Walnuts and peanuts are responsible for increase in hormones in males.

Oats boosts male libido in just eight weeks. Vitamin B & B3 enriched fishes also increases male libido along with increased blood flow to the genitials. 

food health sex drive vitamin b mushrooms libido sex vitamin D