WATCH how your body changes during 9 months of pregnancy!

Having a child is a beautiful feeling but carrying around 3.5 kg baby inside you is not that easy as it looks! Pregnancy looks beautiful but understanding the anatomy during this beautiful phase can be distressing for many.

Devika Chhibber
Updated On
New Update
WATCH how your body changes during 9 months of pregnancy!


Having a child is a beautiful feeling but carrying around 3.5 kg baby inside you is not that easy as it looks! Pregnancy looks beautiful but understanding the anatomy during this beautiful phase can be distressing for many.

The miracle of life is celebrated in all circles but no one talks about what goes on inside your body during these hectic 9 months.

Starting from the foetus drinking its own urine, to your uterus suddenly enlarging, to the aches, pains, and nausea—pregnancy isn't all that cool!

Calling it a thought worth sharing, the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago has decided to let us all know exactly what our mothers went through when they decided to bring us into this world.

The below given interactive tool details exactly how the female body changes during every stage of pregnancy.

Watch the impact of a pregnancy on a mother's body as she adjusts physically and mentally to the changes inside her.


parenting body changes pregnancy Delivery Child Pregnancy