Most Unexplored Places in the World: Travel the road less travelled

chanshimla varah
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Most Unexplored Places in the World: Travel the road less travelled

Most unexplored places in the world (Photo: Twitter/ @lauramariescott )

Do you know which are the most unexplored places in the world? Are you raring to travel and explore? The world of tourism today has opened up a whole wide world for the travel bugs to explore for a fun-filled ventures and adventures. However, there are still some parts of the globe untouched by human civilization. Next holiday, take the time to explore the thick ice sheets of Antarctica and head for the jungles of Papua New Guinea. These are listed among the most unexplored places in the world by several travel sites.

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  1. Galapagos islands in the Pacific Ocean

Home to just around 23000 human population, this volcanic archipelago remains as one of the most unexplored places in the world. The archipelago is home to giant tortoises, iguanas, sea lions, penguins, whales and fish and has been a biological marine preserve for 50 years. Given the richness of the flora and fauna, this island is also believed to have inspired Charles Darwin to write his Theory of Evolution.

     2. Papua, New Guinea

The rugged terrain of these country makes it impossible for human civilisation to creep in. The place remains largely unexplored and many scientists believe that many of the world’s undiscovered spices of plants and animals and indigenous tribes exist in the interior of the jungle. Hence, it retains its status as one of the most unexplored places in the world.

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     3. Seychelles in the Indian Ocean

Perhaps it is safe to assume that as long as human civilisation does not touch a particular place, nature is preserved at its finest. With very few visitors, Seychelles, a country off East Africa has the largest percentage of land under conservation of any country, about 50 per cent of the island nation is preserved. The place hence deems with natural landscapes of islands, landscapes, birds and animals.

     4. Bhutan

This hotspot for biodiversity is deemed as the happiest country. Neighbouring the Himalayan mountain and Tibet, Bhutan is yet another least explored places. More than 60 per cent of the country is under forest cover, with a quarter of its territory has been designated as national parks or protected areas.


     5. Antarctica

The smallest continent, Antarctica still remains one of the most unexplored places in the world. Ninety-six 96 per cent of the island is covered with ice, which averages more than a mile thick. Given the fact that it remains mostly unexplored, Antarctica is now conducting and supporting scientific research and other work throughout the year.  This coldest place in the world also serves as a habitat to species like penguins, whales, seals, polar bears and so on. 

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     6. Atacama Desert, Chile

A place so dead unlike the others, Atacama Desert in Chile has one of the world's strangest landscapes. One among the desert that really gets no rain at all. Given the place’s lifelessness, its high-altitude dry air and lack of pollution with no radio interference and almost alien like NASA can design their Mars ground tests.  The desert also serves as the perfect place to conduct astronomical observations.

    7. Daintree National Park, Australia

One of Australia’s remaining tracts of rainforests, Daintree National park is also believed to have one of the oldest ecosystems and is home to thousands of plant species and animals. An ecosystem so old, Daintree National park is believed to even contain a 110-million-year-old rainforest with trees that are more than 2,500 years old. This park is a place back in time.

lifestyle news New Guinea Pacific Islands Travel Galapagos Islands Most unexplored places Atacama Desert Antarctica Indian Ocean Tourism Australia Seychelles Chile Daintree National park Bhutan Papua