While for many of us remembering even the PIN code of a debitcredit card is a struggle, a cashier in Japan has been arrested for memorising the numbers of 1,300 Credit Cards! Yusuke Taniguchi, a 34-year-old part-time cashier working at a mall in Koto City, Japan, is the latest person to put our cognizance to shame with his mental abilities.
While there’s some debate over whether or not Taniguchi has a photographic memory (which allows details to be accurately recalled months after they’re observed or an eidetic memory which allows them to be accurately recalled for a few minutes afterwards) there was no physical theft or elaborate electronic scam with someone’s contactless card meaning Taniguchi stole people’s money by remembering all of their card details.
Following Taniguchi’s arrest, police found a notebook containing the hundreds of names and numbers and are currently linking them to past incidents to determine the scope of his alleged crimes.
Taniguchi was eventually caught by the police using his lengthy physical evidence that includes two shoulder bags valued at a total of 270,000 yen ($2,500) which were delivered to his apartment. According to SoraNews24, Taniguchi told police that he was going to sell the items in a pawn shop in order to pay for living expenses like food and rent.