This small yet moving anecdote of a young Mizoram boy will have you screaming ‘innocence’ at its peak. In what could be considered as one of the pure of the purest hearts that is making rounds on the internet, a young boy from Sairang, Mizoram, who accidentally ran over his neighbour's chicken with his cycle acted out the most generous of deeds with his laudatory action. Because what ensued thereafter the accident will show you the richness of a child’s heart. The boy, on seeing the accident he had inflicted on the chicken, is reported to have rushed the chicken to the nearest hospital and with all his money, asking for help.
The post, which was shared on Facebook by one Sanga Says immediately went viral with more than 60,000 shares. The sheer innocence on his look, the desperation for help and the clenching of 'all' his money, which possibly looks like an Rs.10 note will revive your trust in humanity.