Pune House Help Gets Business Card Printed With Price Chart Of Chores; Gets Flooded With Job Offers

A Pune help now holds business card, as a proof of her credentials and to help prospective employers get to contact her easily.

Shriparna Saha
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Pune House Help Gets Business Card Printed With Price Chart Of Chores; Gets Flooded With Job Offers

Pune House Help Gets Business Card Printed ; Gets flooded With Job Offers( Photo Credit : Facebook)

House helps do not have a well-documented curriculum vitae to flaunt and hence often are exploited of their wages. Since they do not belong to the organized labour sector, hardly one demands legal help. But a domestic help from Pune has found out an innovative way to increase her chances of getting hired. All thanks to her employeer, she now holds business card, as a proof of her credentials and to help prospective employers get to contact her easily. 

The incredible story of Geeta Kale and Dhanashree Shinde was shared on Facebook by Asmita Javdekar two days ago, where it has gone viral. Dhanashree, Senior Manager, Branding and Marketing at Vilas Javdekar Developers on knowing that her help has lost a job that earned her an income of Rs 400 per month, decided utilize his professional expertise for a social cause. She came up with a mind blowing idea of designing a business card for Geeta Maushi, her help. 

"Within twenty four hours, a smart business card was designed and 100 cards printed!" wrote Asmita in her account.

She also shared a picture of the business card, which reads "Geeta Kale, Ghar Kaam Maushi in Bavdhan (Geeta Kale, household help in Bavdhan)." The business card also mentions the amount that Geeta Maushi would charge for various household chores so that she doesnot have to go through bargaining. Laundry, for example, would cost her employers Rs. 800 per month.

After the story and the business car pics went viral, Geeta Kale, has been flooded with job offers from all corners of India so much so that she has surrendered her phone to Dhanashree to manage the incessant enquire, mentioned Asmita.

The business cards were handed out in their neighbourhood with the help of the society watchman and according to Asmita, this "seemingly small step" led to an "unimaginable reaction!"

The post that concluded with “And, it all started with a little flicker in a good heart wanting to share it’s flame with another candle” is a part of Asmita’a campaign of #100humanencounters. 

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